Friday, May 14, 2010

An ordinary day... or was it?

Woke up this morning with a baby screaming in my ear "HELLO!!!"

He took off his shoes and jumped in my bed and laid there, feeling right at home!

After that it was off to town to do some work, I sat by a clients business talking about life and work. So it was juggling work, family, studies and my personal life, until...

My dad got back from the post office and gave me my...


I'm totally thrilled!

A super thank you to the following people:
- My mommy and daddy - for not discouraging me from doing the course and supporting me 100% of the way and for being so encouraging plus for being the greatest parents ever!

- My sister - Hamida van Staaden - ever willing for me to take pix of her lol

- Lorenzo Graham - You didn't approve at the beginning but you could see its something I am passionate about and encouraged, supported and pushed me to do my best.

- Lee Folkard - for the best advice and for the support and encouragement - Thanks fellow photographer :)

- My granny - for asking me what I'm doing with my life and when I said I'm studying photography she would say - who learns how to take pictures lol but saying that she trusts my decision and knows its something I really want to master.

- Yunus Alexandra - All your advice has paid off, thanx boeta

- Feroz Khan - for being there from the beginning and encouraging me to study photography even when my dad thought it was a bad idea, thanks for long talks about living my dreams.

- Terence Joshua - for your wise words years ago that keep ringing in my head and that are at the base of many things I do.

Lastly to everyone who thinks I've been sitting around at home since the end of 2007 and doing nothing. This is just one of the FOUR professions that I've worked my butt off for and lastly can you honestly say you love what you do coz I do! Your negativity made me the strong woman I am today. THANKS!

1 comment:

Lee Folkard said...

Thanks for the thank you. :) I am always around... Love the blog - congrats!