Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stride Wedding

I've been trying to upload this blog for months now & I finally managed to do so.

Clarisa (van der Sandt) contacted me through a mutual friend at first I recognised her surname being the same as my mom's maiden surname and never thought much of it until I asked my mom and she told me Clarisa is actually my cousin (my mom's cousin's daughter). So I was totally delighted to cover her wedding and it was awesome connecting with family.

She made a lovely bride who was bubbly and knew the day was about her and her hubby but she made sure that every guest got her attention. This is a wedding that will go down as one of my most fun weddings.

Below are a few pictures of Clarisa and Myron Stride's wedding.



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 - A New and fun year

2012 has arrived and I am in full swing already! (I wasn't given much of a choice when I got back from my vacation and I had some demanding clients - but I don't mind).

During my 3 week break I had a lot of time to think and I came up with some awesome idea's and creative idea's that I want to implement this year. I have decided to do things a bit differently this year, I'm introducing some exciting additions and giving you more choices on prints. I am basically leaving you, my clients, with a lot of decisions to make and options that will blow your mind!

Oh... by the way, I'm not letting out the secrets just yet, I'll be letting you all in on them in my next newsletter which you will receive next week Monday - 16 January 2012.

So here is to a year of thinking outside the box and obviously still giving you dedicated service!