Thursday, August 16, 2012

Crazy adventures of A&H

A - Ayesha ; H - Hamida

My sister and I have always been up for a bit of fun and that adrenaline rush that when you walk away from doing something crazy you sit back and think "flip! did I just jump off that cliff" or "I'm alive! Dude... we alive!". Theres some sort of method to our insanity... or so we wish to believe.

The really (weirdly) cool thing is that we don't really put much thought into what we "plan" next, somehow the rush of jumping in the car and just driving to jump of a cliff or catch the next plane and see what the rest of Africa has to offer.

Its those little spontaneous moments that we enjoy most!

We live for the next high in life, taking a breather from our everyday life and just letting go - letting a rope determine how far down we going to fall or slide and even leaving our lives in a lions paws. Please do take note at this point that everything does have to be "okay-ed" by dad first... for the most part, well, just the things that he can control... the rest, the lions decided whether he will have us for lunch or simply let us play with them.

Life should be about having fun, living on the edge and knowing that nothing lasts for ever apart from the memories

Sometimes putting your trust in a rope, a lion, a pulley or just a person - in a boat up the Zambizi River, up the Kowie River, at the edge of the Vic falls, in a van near a rihno. These are the moments we enjoy and live for, where a sunrise in Zimbabwe clears all the South African sunrises from your memory. One moment beats the next but every memory is special and fresh in your mind months and years later.

I'm not in any way saying let others decide what happens to your life, you have to have full control of that and just make sure that whatever you decide is something you will be proud of.

Enjoy the ride & have fun!\

Love you sister :)

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